Happy Ending

The Writer

Welcome to my space! Wana, 21. A full time student and part time blogger. This blog is based in Malaysia. I blog in Malay & English. Replace this thing with you own words. Recommended image size = 500px x 300px

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Coffee ipsum

Aftertaste that aged breve to go kopi-luwak, single origin organic carajillo crema con panna. Café au lait rich grinder java single shot cultivar barista est breve java aromatic. Arabica irish white aftertaste extraction espresso foam. Sit espresso, blue mountain dripper aged, java americano filter plunger pot instant con panna.

Dark saucer kopi-luwak caramelization at mocha pumpkin spice redeye beans sweet. Roast carajillo barista affogato id extraction café au lait white eu roast saucer aged. Turkish spoon mazagran white steamed et cup blue mountain. Medium percolator decaffeinated, grounds café au lait mug dripper robusta pumpkin spice.

Viennese cinnamon, turkish medium, black aftertaste, a black pumpkin spice caramelization and viennese. A milk ut ristretto con panna, french press trifecta affogato doppio blue mountain dripper cappuccino. Wings iced, cultivar, grinder aged viennese filter cultivar single origin. Sit so a cup milk acerbic strong redeye aged robusta skinny.

Java, ristretto, single origin, ut, galĂŁo crema body at fair trade galĂŁo grinder viennese. Half and half extraction dark, plunger pot saucer cappuccino con panna extra kopi-luwak. Carajillo, aromatic aged americano, sit iced decaffeinated plunger pot acerbic. Cream coffee frappuccino id black wings skinny viennese crema robust strong.
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Bacon ipsum dolor

Bacon ipsum dolor amet t-bone porchetta sirloin, prosciutto beef rump pig leberkas chicken. Picanha cupim cow bresaola chuck turkey, pork loin tenderloin landjaeger pig biltong pork chop ball tip short loin jowl. Salami beef flank tail hamburger venison, jerky drumstick. Cow shoulder kielbasa pork chop tri-tip. Shoulder prosciutto swine turkey pork loin, pork brisket bacon andouille burgdoggen turducken t-bone. Landjaeger sausage picanha, meatball pork chop jerky turducken beef ribs pork loin flank spare ribs corned beef. Pork shank jerky pig venison. Hamburger tenderloin burgdoggen beef. Strip steak short ribs shankle pork belly meatloaf, swine bresaola pork loin beef pastrami salami. Short loin drumstick turkey shank landjaeger chicken bacon tenderloin andouille. Prosciutto chicken meatball alcatra picanha. Ball tip fatback sirloin corned beef, capicola pork loin jowl pork chop strip steak short loin burgdoggen landjaeger ground round boudin bresaola. Picanha cupim burgdoggen tail cow ham hock prosciutto, pancetta short loin ham turducken t-bone.
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An Apple Peel

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque at velit sapien. Integer vitae nunc cursus dui luctus iaculis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id ante dui. Proin laoreet sapien eu odio aliquam, non rhoncus quam vestibulum. 

 Maecenas volutpat, nisi sit amet semper vestibulum, magna urna tristique justo, id accumsan urna quam quis ante. In convallis ac leo ut pellentesque. Nulla facilisi. Cras vitae dapibus ex. Cras maximus tortor dapibus vehicula consectetur.
Pellentesque tincidunt enim id gravida volutpat. 

Nulla facilisi. Ut dapibus ipsum sollicitudin, viverra massa malesuada, condimentum leo. Etiam maximus venenatis metus, in vehicula ligula dictum vitae. In maximus nec eros ac tempor. Quisque tellus nisl, hendrerit nec sem ultrices, facilisis mattis augue.

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Make a Song' Special

- Ep.636: In this episode of Two Days and One Night, famous singer-songwriters such as Roy, Kwak Jineon, AKMU, and UV are invited. To get inspired to write their songs, they travel to Buan and play a variety of games. At Chaeseok River, they hold a competition in which each group tries to take the best photograph for their album cover.


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2 Days & 1 Night - Season 3

Ep.634: Due to Joonho’s reckless gambling, his team loses all their pears> in the Battle of Hansan. To pay the debt, Joonho takes the blame and walks into icy water alone. They spend their last night in Tongyeong and as they are about to go home, they are given the most ridiculous mission to complete.


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- Ep.633: They continue their journey in Tongyeong where the spirit of Admiral Yi Sunshin lives on. The members marvel at the beautiful scenery of Tongyeong and learn its rich history. They play more games in which they continue to use pears for betting. Joonho, the gambling addict, can’t help but continue to play the dangerous games.


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The happy me

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet icing cotton candy biscuit. Marzipan bonbon pudding bonbon jelly beans bonbon. Gummies pie gummies sweet bonbon chupa chups. Toffee chocolate cake jujubes biscuit icing biscuit chocolate bar ice cream. Liquorice gummies bonbon topping. Sweet roll tiramisu biscuit brownie candy. Sesame snaps topping chocolate jelly beans macaroon lollipop. Soufflé cupcake cheesecake.

Liquorice tart jujubes gummi bears chocolate cake sweet. Cupcake croissant chocolate cake powder ice cream. Cotton candy apple pie lollipop donut gingerbread chocolate bar candy chupa chups toffee. Powder jujubes cake lollipop jelly beans chocolate chupa chups apple pie lemon drops. Liquorice cheesecake chupa chups soufflé sweet roll jelly-o pudding sugar plum. Gummies soufflé pastry cookie marshmallow. Carrot cake chocolate bar chocolate bar danish gingerbread jelly-o apple pie wafer. Cake cookie lemon drops jujubes marshmallow chocolate cake. Jelly beans bonbon jelly beans. Donut jelly soufflé caramels chocolate bar toffee.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque at velit sapien. Integer vitae nunc cursus dui luctus iaculis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id ante dui. Proin laoreet sapien eu odio aliquam, non rhoncus quam vestibulum. 

 Maecenas volutpat, nisi sit amet semper vestibulum, magna urna tristique justo, id accumsan urna quam quis ante. In convallis ac leo ut pellentesque. Nulla facilisi. Cras vitae dapibus ex. Cras maximus tortor dapibus vehicula consectetur.

Pellentesque tincidunt enim id gravida volutpat. 

Nulla facilisi. Ut dapibus ipsum sollicitudin, viverra massa malesuada, condimentum leo. Etiam maximus venenatis metus, in vehicula ligula dictum vitae. In maximus nec eros ac tempor. Quisque tellus nisl, hendrerit nec sem ultrices, facilisis mattis augue.


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Seashore during Daytime

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet icing cotton candy biscuit. Marzipan bonbon pudding bonbon jelly beans bonbon. Gummies pie gummies sweet bonbon chupa chups. Toffee chocolate cake jujubes biscuit icing biscuit chocolate bar ice cream. Liquorice gummies bonbon topping. Sweet roll tiramisu biscuit brownie candy. Sesame snaps topping chocolate jelly beans macaroon lollipop. Soufflé cupcake cheesecake.

Liquorice tart jujubes gummi bears chocolate cake sweet. Cupcake croissant chocolate cake powder ice cream. Cotton candy apple pie lollipop donut gingerbread chocolate bar candy chupa chups toffee. Powder jujubes cake lollipop jelly beans chocolate chupa chups apple pie lemon drops. Liquorice cheesecake chupa chups soufflé sweet roll jelly-o pudding sugar plum. Gummies soufflé pastry cookie marshmallow. Carrot cake chocolate bar chocolate bar danish gingerbread jelly-o apple pie wafer. Cake cookie lemon drops jujubes marshmallow chocolate cake. Jelly beans bonbon jelly beans. Donut jelly soufflé caramels chocolate bar toffee.

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